RPG Stories World-Builder now allows you to export your maps to other VTTs, including all the necessary data for the Dynamic Lighting feature.

VTT Exporter
The VTT Exporter tool uses the Universal VTT (UVTT) file format which is supported by all major VTT platforms. You can find the VTT Export panel under File > Export.
​As soon as the panel opens the camera will automatically go to the top view and switch to Orthographic view.
The Orthographic Camera eliminates perception and makes everything flat, therefore everything falls nicely into the right Grid Tile.
For now the system exports walls, Lights, and doors.
Upon export, the camera will position itself so the top left corner falls exactly to a grid cross for the exported image to fall perfectly into the grid
Instead of choosing a file name, we auto-generate the file name from the project name and environment tab name. We also add the tile size of the map to the file name in case you may need it later.
Exporter's Options
​Export quality
Increases the size of the Map Image Bigger has more details but also increases the file size
Toggle the visibility of the shadows.
Grid Toggle
Toggles the visibility of the grid on the map
Export Image
If enabled a jpg version of the map will be exported alongside the map.
Optimize for Roll20
It cleans up the exported data that roll20 does not want.
Exports a separate jpg alongside the .uvtt file.
Copies the map data to your clipboard so you can paste them later when needed

Foundry VTT
Add the UVTT Import module: https://foundryvtt.com/packages/dd-import/
Enable the module in your "Game World."
The "Import UVTT" button will appear in the Scenes tab.
Use the import window to select your exported file and complete the import.

Roll20 For Roll20, the process is less streamlined, and a Roll20 Pro subscription is required.
Enable the mode by adding the UniversalVTTImporter in your game's Mod (API) settings.
When exporting the map, select the Optimize for Roll20 option in the export panel. This reduces the steps needed for import.
After exporting, note the map size displayed at the bottom of the panel or in the file name.
In Roll20 Create a new page and adjust the page size to match the exported map size.
Import the generated JPEG onto the page.
If the image doesn’t fit the canvas, adjust its size.
The tool copies the map data to your clipboard upon export. Open the image settings (Token Settings), go to the GM Notes tab, and paste the data there.
In the chat, type !uvtt.
Your map should now be ready to use.