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Is RPG Stories fully released?RPG Stories VTT got 315% funded on Kickstarer in October 2022. Right now you can purchase Early Acces on Steam. This is a longterm product. We do monthly updates adding more models and new features.
What are RPG Stories Specs?Keep in mind that the performance depends on the complexity of the environment you create and its size. Feel free to visit our steam page to check our specs and more details.
Does the whole party need to purchase RPG Stories?Everyone in the game needs to own RPG Stories and we offer different options for the parties, wishing to lower the overall cost. You can check our 3 versions and choose what fits better to you and your friends: â– The GM Version: This is the full version of RPG Stories, which includes the 3D worldbuilding tools and the online multiplayer features to connect and play your games. A user with this version can play as a GM and as a Player. â– The Player's Version: This version is for players who do not want to GM and use the worldbuilding tools and thus the 3D World Builder is not included. The user can open the software, create a character, connect to a game, and just play with the party. â– The Player's Seat: This version is for GMs who do not wish for their players to pay for the RPG Stories player version. If a user owns the GM Version, they can purchase as many Player's Seats as they want and invite the player who will join GM's session to play. There will be a free download version on Steam which will only work with a Player Seat's code. Important Note: Player's version and Player's seat will be available soon
Do you support Steam WorkshopYeah we do. Pay a visit and discover all the amazing creations our community posts there.
Do you sell 3D Models?No we do not. All 5k+ models in our world builder come with the GM Version.
You say that all your exports are commercial-free. What does this mean?It means that you can do whatever you want with the content you create with RPG Stories and we claim no copyrights. Basically, we sell the software, and you use it in any way you like. And yes, that means you may also sell your creations. Note that is your responsibility not to violate any copyrights. For instance, since we allow you to combine models and create custom ones, if you manage to create an X-Wing, you might violate Disney's copyrights by selling it.
Can I use RPG Stories as a world builder and use the maps in other VTTs?Absolutely!
What exactly is this RPG Stories Quest File Export?Everything you create with RPG Stories (Quests, Environments, Characters, Monsters, NPCs) can be exported in a single file. Anyone who uses RPG Stories will be able to open it and play with your story. These files are called "RPGs" files. We offer several pre-built quests in the software and we also sell such quests in our marketplace. If you do not want to build, go ahead and get one! Remember you are free to not only upload/download such quests or environments to Steam Workshop but also sell them.
Which Company is behind RPG Stories?The name of the company is Brave Alice Games and it is based in the UK although the majority of the team is Greek. You may learn more by visiting Brave Alice's website.
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