We are happy to announce that RPG Stories VTT now fully supports exports for other VTTs!
By exports for other VTTs, we do not just mean 2D images but uvtt files with the walls, doors, and light sources implemented, so you can import them to your favorite VTT and play right away without having to set anything for the dynamic lights feature to work!
In addition to our 2D exporter, you can now build your 3D scenes and export them in a uvtt file (Universal Virtual Tabletop) which works for all known VTTs.
This file carries all the needed information for Dynamic Lights features of each VTT saving you a great amount of preparation time, plus you get to create any map you like through RPG Stories, which offers more than 8k models and assets by now!
We also allow you to highly increase the quality and resolution of the exported map so that you can zoom as much as you want while playing in those VTTs.

We hope you will enjoy this feature as we understand that you have invested a lot in these VTTs. Our world builder will continue to expand in all Eras (Fantasy, Modern, and Sci-Fi), and with the recently released procedural generated scenes feature you can build faster than ever....so yeah, keep building...keep playing!
RPG Stories VTT Team.